Favorite Finds 2019

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So, motion design, animation. It’s a pretty big and yet new industry that has started to flourish in the last few decades. It’s spectrum is as wide as art and over the years I’ve seen some amazing examples of work that I think everyone would benefit from seeing and giving them a little signal boost where I can.

The first example is Best Friend, a Animation Short Film made in 2018 by GOBELINS, one of the top ranked school for animation in the world.

The second example is a much more light hearted story, a stop motion short film that tugs at the heartstrings. Lost & Found is about a knitted toy dinosaur must completely unravel itself to save the love of its life.

And the last video I have to share is also a drastic change from the previous two and shows the sheer and beautiful possibility using motion graphics in advertising and marketing to get so many points across in such a short span of time.

Apple's "Don't Blink" advert is a masterful demonstration of how to summarise 90 minutes of facts, figures and glowing adjectives into an easily understandable (and yes, entertaining) video.


So you want to learn Motion Graphics. GREAT!